Misono Vineyard


  • 2019 Procure and cultivate the pasture land(3ha)

  • 2020 Procure and cultivate the orchard(3ha)

  • 2021 Authorized as a 15th winery in Yoichi town, Hokkaido

Climate and Land

Yoichi is relatively warm and less rainy in Hokkaido and so suitable for fruit growing. From our vineyard, we can view Ishikari Gulf, Yoichi River and town. Grapes in the vineyard bear full sunshine from early morning, facing to east side. No obstacles will defend the good winds, consequently less disease damages will be caused. Our lands are composed of volcanic lapillus with white gray color, which are well drained.


We respect biodiversity and food chain. Considering the variety of natural life forms, organic fertilizers and no chemical medicines are used as much as possible.

With no tilling and with grass, the stress will result in good growth of grapes.

We are trying higher fruits line and vertical setting of trees (no tilt setting as in over Hokkaido).


  • Pinot Noir (10 clones)
  • Chardonnay (4 clones)
  • Cabernet Franc
  • Sauvignon Blanc

<Flat Shelf>
  • Albariño
  • Delaware
  • Niagara

※ Delaware is 30 years old and Niagara is 50 years old, which the past Orchard owner carefully grew.

Wine Making

No chaptalization, no acid-adding, no fermentation booster, natural yeast and un-filter will be used in order to produce the real natural wine reflecting the pure grapes in Yoichi.


Think different.
Stay hungry and stay foolish, until we produce the finest wine.



Misono Vineyard

138-1 Misono, Yoichi, Hokkaido, Japan, 046-0014


We are sorry but we don't have resources to conduct winery tour for visitors. Thank you for your underdtanding.